~ Kinesiology For Kids ~

Children's Kinesiologist Ivanhoe, Melbourne

In Clinic & Online Sessions

Kinesiology can be used at all ages and stages of life. It is helpful for newborns, toddlers, children and teens in smoothing out the common and complex challenges found at each of these life stages.

Children are often not able to express themselves as comprehensively as adults, however they have the ability to shift and change quite easily. The use of muscle monitoring means that children do not have to worry about explaining everything in detail, but we can still get to the root of what is going on for them to find relief.

Kinesiology uses a lot of techniques to help with brain integration, development, stress relief and can be a safe and effective support for almost all concerns.

Sessions For New Patients

For new patients it is recommended to do 3 sessions initially spaced 2 weeks apart.

Sessions will usually run for 45- 60 minutes depending on the age, attention span or complexity of symptoms. 

45-60 Mins $110

Sessions For Return Patients

For returning clients once we have a clear plan and focus from our initial session and begin our treatment plan, we base our return appointments on an as needed basis, or if any concerns arise.

What Happens In A KIDS KINESIOLOGY Session

children's kinesiologist melbourne

Kids sessions sessions are shorter than an adult session, and will be run for 45 – 60 minutes. Parents are invited and welcome to sit in during the session and can often help provide insight into what is going on, and help to fill in gaps when our kids may not be able to express or explain effectively, and also to witness and gain a better understanding of what is lying at the core of the issues presenting for their child.

Each kinesiology session is entirely different, and our structure changes based on our focus. We start by chatting openly about what is going on and what we want to work on, and the process varies depending on the age of the child.

How Sessions Run For The Following Age Groups:

Kinesiology can help your kids feel confident and free!

Babies can have Kinesiology sessions and this can often helpful for sleeping, feeding, food issues etc, and this is done through testing on the mother’s arm as a surrogate for the baby. This is normally done whilst they are holding the baby, or baby is lying on them whilst they are on the table. We are also able to work online for when it is difficult to get out and about with a newborn with just the same results as in person.

Toddlers are all very different so our sessions run depending on the activity levels, attention span, and restlessness of the toddler. If your child doesn’t mind lying down on a massage table for about 30 minutes then an in person session works as usual. If your toddler can’t sit still for very long then we usually will run the session online, mainly with the parent/guardian and we perform the balance remotely.

School Aged Younger Children (5-12)
Kinesiology sessions with kids in this age bracket run just as a normal Kinesiology session would, with the addition of the parent/guardian to sit in. This helps us to get further context about symptoms, experiences and allows both parent and child to share the experience and the insights that come from the session.

Older Children (13-16)
When it comes to sessions for older children/teenagers it is really up to them how they would like the session to run. Often the parent/guardian will stay for the first part of the session whilst we are talking through everything going on, what we want to work and focus on, and then when it’s time to begin the balance they will exit the room to give their child privacy and space to share one on one.

This age bracket can often benefit from a parent giving them that privacy to share, and after the session the parent is always invited back in so that we can all discuss what came up and share.